Julia displays Character Counts on a daily basis and encourages her classmates to do the same.
Julia is police, has excellent manners, and always has a positive attitude!  Each morning, Julia greets others with encouraging words and a BRIGHT smile.
Julia is a friend to all and someone who ensures everyone feels like they belong.  She has a truly kind heart, and is the first person to jump up and help anyone in need.
Julia is an avid class participant who is thoughtful and focused on her academics.  She tries her absolute hardest on every school activity, no matter what it is.  When Julia comes across a challenge, she tackles it with a positive, can-do attitude!  She is truly a delight to have in class!  Julia takes pride in her work and puts forth 100% effort on all assignments.
For her positive and polite demeanor and her focus on her academics at DuJardin Elementary, the Board of Education recognizes Julia Garrett with the Above and Beyond award for April.