Referendum Information » Voting Information

Voting Information

Ballot Question
To achieve the improvements desired by our community, the District 13 school board voted unanimously to place the following two referendums on the ballot in the upcoming November 5 general election:

Question 1 (bond issue): “Shall the Board of Education of Bloomingdale School District Number 13, DuPage County, Illinois, alter, repair and equip school buildings and build and equip additions thereto, including but not limited to installing new security systems and network cabling, replacing and upgrading mechanical systems, improving bathrooms and ADA accessibility, adding classrooms for full-day kindergarten and general education, creating dedicated space for student resources and support services, and replacing the older gym at Westfield Middle School, and issue bonds of said School District to the amount of $29,700,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?”
Question 2 (limiting rate increase): “Shall the limiting rate under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law for Bloomingdale School District Number 13, DuPage County, Illinois, be increased by an additional amount equal to 0.3040% above the limiting rate for levy year 2023 for the purpose of operating full-day kindergarten, paying teachers and support staff and for other school purposes and be equal to 3.3765% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property therein for levy year 2024?”
Voter Qualifications
  • A U.S. citizen
  • You may vote if you will be 18 by the Nov. 5 general election.
  • A resident of your precinct at least 30 days prior to Election Day
Ways to Register
Ways to Vote
  • Vote By Mail: You may now request a vote-by-mail application HERE.
  • In-Person Early Voting: Sept. 26 to Nov. 4 (temporary sites) and Oct. 21 to Nov. 4 (permanent sites). Click HERE for early voting locations.
  • In-Person Election Day: Nov. 5. Click HERE to find your polling place location.